James 1:27 Dear Family and Friends, February has been a very good month. I was able to visit these nineteen families for home verification visit and to get to know the situation/background they are coming from. We are still in the process of finalizing their intake, but to see the program grow, is just so awesome. All these vulnerable families come from brokenness, poverty, loneliness, pushed away from the society, uneducated, carrying shame and guilt because of their husbands . The Bible clearly says in James 1:27 "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." I t is always encouraging to go back to this verse and see how much God loves the orphans and the widows and to be able to work for them and help them is the best thing ever. We were able to come up with a creative calendar f...