Beyond Barriers July has just been awesome in every way: administrative work, retreat for teen girls, preparing for the big wedding and more. This month the mothers in the program were able to collect money for the bills for their kids. So, we follow the system where the mothers first pay the bills for their kids and they come submit the bills to us and then we reimburse it to them. I am so thankful for Gods provision to provide for these widows and their kids. We can clearly see Gods hand all over family support program, we were able to host a retreat for 50 girls from our program ages 12-20 yrs. This retreat was an awesome experience for the girls. They enjoyed it a lot. This was the first time we could pour into the girls and teach them about the father’s heart for them individually in a very personal way. It was a 2-day retreat and we provided accommodation and food. This gave many of the girl’s opportunities to bond with each other and create strong friendships wi...