Beyond Barriers

July has just been awesome in every way: administrative work, retreat for teen girls, preparing for the big wedding and more.
This month the mothers in the program were able to collect money for the bills for their kids. So, we follow the system where the mothers first pay the bills for their kids and they come submit the bills to us and then we reimburse it to them.
I am so thankful for Gods provision to provide for these widows and their kids.

We can clearly see Gods hand all over family support program, we were able to host a retreat for 50 girls from our program ages 12-20 yrs. This retreat was an awesome experience for the girls. They enjoyed it a lot. This was the first time we could pour into the girls and teach them about the father’s heart for them individually in a very personal way. It was a 2-day retreat and we provided accommodation and food. This gave many of the girl’s opportunities to bond with each other and create strong friendships with each other. We had a team from the US help us run the treat. They were people with amazing hearts and spoke lots of life into the girls. They had so much of Jesus in them which was very evident in the way they ministered and treated the girls. So thankful that we had these wonderful friends help us.
We had sessions where we got time to share our testimonies with the girls and every session had an activity to connect with the theme of what was taught. This gave them a chance to learn and understand it in a more practical way. The activities were always one of the highest points of their days. Seeing the girls laugh freely and express themselves for the first time brought me great joy that I shared a small part in their story.

Waffle treat


Gifts for the girls

The past few weeks have been bit of a challenge for me in terms of meeting my in laws and working out the wedding details, Gosh weddings are such a big deal.
I had many dreams for my big day, so many expectations but realized that these dreams were not going to happen. It led me to become bitter towards my in-laws and started resenting them and I felt myself losing the joy of my wedding.
I was carrying this huge burden of how I was going to meet their expectations.
But I started praying and I realized that Jesus loves me for who I am, and I can be free with him. He loves me unconditionally without expectations and nothing I do will make him love me anymore or any less. Then God helped me by replacing the bitterness with love. I was able to pray and bless them. 

Prayer Points
· Please pray for the upcoming sports day which we are still working on.
· Please pray for the upcoming Sons & Daughters retreat.
· Please pray for the wedding preparations.


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