Faithful in little things .
Dear Family and Friends
I have completed my first month of work! It has been a very fruitful month .
Throughout this month I have been counseling many of the Fsp kids, it has been a new experience for me. I have enjoyed counseling them, Talking to them one on one, getting to know them a little more, listening to their problems and coming up with solutions along with them.
The girls whom I have been counseling have been very open, they share everything freely and they have been considering me as their elder sister.
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We cannot dismiss the presence of childcare institutions altogether. However, we can re define the nature of those admitted to these institutions. Most of them fall under the category of semi – orphans (with at least one family member or caregiver alive).
This category requires a level of empowerment to keep the child in the family instead of being housed in an institution being termed as an “orphan.” This not only affects the child, but also the quality of care given in these institutions because of greater numbers of the children (both orphans and semi orphans), fewer staff, minimal resources and facilities etc.
The child becomes dependent on the institution completely, the caregiver or family member ends up continuing in the cycle of poverty and there is minimal hope of alleviation for the family and generations to come.
The training was wonderful; it was a time to
encourage people who are interested with helping children to live in a better
community. This training was a good way to create awareness on the importance
of family support; Abandon the idea of institutionalization and move towards
family based care. Help create a model in their context. Our core calling is to
acknowledge the significant place of the widows and the fatherless in the
kingdom according to James 1:27
"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.
So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else's property, who will give you property of your own? Luke 16:13
I have realized that He has given me several bags of gold these bags are Family, Fsp, Helping Nature, Leadership skills, Responsibilities, Education etc.I want to be able to use these talents as well as these gifts that He has given me more faithfully.
In addition, not hide it like the third servant in “The Parable of the Talents”. I feel like I have been hiding and not been faithful with what He has entrusted me with. It has been a good month; I have been learning a lot, experiencing many new things.
Please pray for my future.
so good!