The Journey of Empowerment

Dear Family and Friends

I am enjoying my journey with FSP. There are things, which I learn every day. I had devoted myself to house visits this month. At present, we have 50 families with 131 children. These families are spread across four communities within Bangalore. It has been a wonderful journey this month personally visiting these families and getting to know a little more about them, spending time, loving them, listening to them and praying for them. Talking to the kids and encouraging them being an older sister to them. Sometimes they just need a person to listen and understand them. In the process of building lives, there is a tendency to be focused on results and outcomes that we may forget to focus on the person or the people group.

Relationship building is a key component in the process of development of the fsp families, keeping this in mind there are some points that we keep in mind while we invest into these relationships:

Empathy –It is important to make efforts to truly understand what the individual is going through, what he/she might be feeling. A good way to do this is by connecting to these families through house visits.
Encouragement – Many times, individuals are content with their present state in an unhealthy manner due to a lack of support systems that seeks to empower them in different ways. They do not  know what more they can do. They see themselves within the confined spaces they live and grow in. This is where they need to be encouraged, advised and guided.
Engagement – To develop deep and lasting relationships, we need to invest quality time and energy. This will involve creating engagement opportunities to do just that .Level of engagement will have a positive impact on the relationships based on quality of engaging with the person or community. Building relationship is not a onetime thing it should be continuous this is maintained by regular house visits and regular counseling’s.
Empowerment – This is almost a by-product of maintaining a healthy relationships between people and families. It results in the level of autonomy, independent decision -making, overcoming sense of powerlessness and effective utilization of resources among mothers and children with an increase in sustainable relationship.

Nitayanand and Emmanuel
Stella and  Rani aunty
Isaac ,Beulah and Ruth akka

            Stephen ,William and Sumathi aunty
Stephen and William are in family support program for the past seven years, Stephen is 16 years old and William is 11 year old. These two boys study very well and are very helpful to their parents. The mother does full time ministry and the father is a very low paid technician. That evening when I went to their house for house visits the mother starting sharing her difficulties as well as the family's needs and prayer request. These two boys were very quiet and were listening to everything their mother was sharing to me. Then suddenly the eldest boy started sharing that the to wants to do something same like K-homes. I asked him what he meant , he responded that he knows that he is blessed with education and this is helping his family a lot and he understands the importance of it. He goes on to say that he wants to get a good job and then help and support another child in  family support program .When I heard this I was so happy I knew that this is  a positive produce of FSP .

We are blessed to be a blessing to others. He realized that he is blessed, now he wants to be a blessing to others. In addition, the mother shared that she would testify what God has done in her family, how He has blessed them and brought them to a better standard of living then before. She shared that she will share this testimony in the next fsp gathering in front of all the other families so that it will encourage everyone to be thankful and be a blessing to others with how much they can.

Prayer Points:
  • ·         Please pray that I would be faithful with everything that God has given me.
  • ·         Please pray for my future.
  • ·         Please pray that I would be strong, and that I will not be discouraged if things do not happen the way I want it to happen.
  • ·         I am interested in a guy his name is Danny; I am waiting and praying that his parents will accept me. Please pray that they will accept me and most of all that they will find peace during this process.
  • ·         Please pray that Fsp will grow and expand in size and in its vision and that, we will be able to help many more families that are new.
  • Please pray that I will constantly look to Jesus for help and not from anyone else.


  1. You are doing a fantastic job Santhiya, KFSP is blessed to have you serving with us!


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