Dear family and friends,

It’s been a fruitful month. Planning a lot for the cam, organizing several meetings for the mothers in FSP, communicating with the families, visiting the potential new families of FSP, helping the mothers decide which school is best for their child.

We will be having two big meeting for the mothers in FSP, it’s as the annual meet for the year. This is where we assess the performance of each child and mother in the program. Every year we evaluate the performance of the children in our program.
They are required to attain 60% above in their marks and 85% attendance. We also evaluate the savings account created by the mother or the guardian for the child. They are required to save 100 rupees a month in the savings account of the child. Based on all of the above factors a projected amount is decided as fees for the academic year 2019-2020.  The Child and mother who has achieved these requirements will be rewarded during the meeting.
We also go over the rules, the new procedures, clarifying their doubts and a contract for the new year is also signed between the families and Kirubai Project.

We were able to take in 27 new children onto the program this year. This is one of the favorite parts of my job, I love to see and help new families that need help get help and empower them.
Fsp is hosting a summer camp for 100 children in the age group of 12-20. It’s a four-day camp which is going to be so fun. There’s going to be small group sessions, activity time, group sessions, games, swim time a, food, snacks, campfire and more. We are hoping and praying that Jesus will be present and that everyone will feel His presence in a tangible way.

Prayer Points 

·      Please pray that all the workshops and programs that we planned for thisyear will happen successfully.
·      Please pray that I would be used as an instrument in the lives of the children and women I work with.
·      Please pray for my MSW studies.
·      Please pray that I will become bold and grow confident in myself.
·      Please pray for the new families in our program.
·      Please pray for the summer camp 2019.




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