God is the best Promise-Keeper.


Family and Friends

Our God is good; He continues to be faithful in FSP.     
This month has been very progressive. I was able to complete visiting all the houses in fsp this month, i.e. 67 houses in four different areas within Bangalore. I was able to listen to their problems, needs, encourage and advice them.

 Over the course of this month we were trying out different means to raise funds for the Family support program. We want to give a chance to our friends and well wishers to help bring some Christmas cheer to the children that are in Fsp. We want to be able to buy them a gift and throw a party for them .They have no idea that we are doing this and its going to be a surprise .So we have started a campaign to raise funds for this purpose, Just imagine the smiles these kids will have on their faces when they see their gifts and most of all they will surely know that they have people in their lives who love them and want the best for them. It’s going to be so worth it to see this happen this December.

It has been a challenging month I had started hearing lies from the enemy, lies like you are not doing anything big for fsp, you are not good enough for fsp, there are enough people dealing with fsp work you don’t make any difference with your work. There were times I believed these were true. These lies crippled and discouraged me a lot. At this time I was reminded about Joseph, God gave him several promises through dreams. It took many years for those promises to be fulfilled in his life but he still stood strong till that time. We know all the difficulties he had to go through; in the end the promises that were given to him became true.

I was reminded of the verse from Philippians1:6 “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”

Joseph knew and believed that God had set him apart for something great. Even throughout the difficult events in his life, Joseph believed and trusted in God .He was faithful in serving the Lord no matter the circumstance .He faithfully served the lord in the same way, I want to be faithful in everything I do. God has great plans in store for us! He gives us different situations to teach us more about Him. His greatest desire is for us to know Him more and for us to know who we are in Him.

We were able to arrange a fasting prayer for the ladies so they would learn to worship the Lord in a community. In the fasting prayer we were able to focus on thanking Jesus for the miracles that He has done for us, for the vision of fsp, upcoming programs in fsp, for the needs of fsp.
God is the best Promise Keeper. He always keeps His promises to His Children !

Fasting Prayer

Prayer points:
  •  Please pray that the Christmas surprise for fsp kids will be successful and they would feel loved.
  •   Please pray that we will be able to raise enough funds for the Christmas party.
  •  Please pray that I would be strong in what the Lord has called me to and that I will not be discouraged if things don’t happen the way I want it to happen.
  •   Please pray for the upcoming workshop and activities in fsp.
  •   Pray that I will continue to be faithful to God’s calling in my life.
  •   I find it really hard to trust God to be my provider, pray that I will have faith and learn to trust that God will take care of all my needs.
  •  Please Pray that I will give my best in serving these families and to do it as an act of serving the Lord.


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