A Heart that Gives Unconditionally

Dear family and friends,

It’s been a thriving month; a lot of work was successfully done. Christmas season is always busy, lot of planning, hosting events etc. Through the grace of God everything is going perfectly as planned. As I had mentioned in the last months news letter over the course of last two months, we were trying out different means to raise funds for the Family support program. We want to give a chance to our friends and well-wishers to help bring some Christmas cheer to the children that are in Fsp. We want to be able to buy them a gift and throw a party for them. They have no idea that we are doing this and it’s going to be a surprise. So, we have started a campaign to raise funds for this purpose, with the help of generous givers we were able to raise 1,40,000 rupees which helped our dream come true. We were able to buy the kids in fsp something small to celebrate Christmas and bless them.
These are some of the items that we have purchased, we know that the kids are going to be super happy and excited to see these gifts, and most of all they are going to feel loved.

(Bags,Bottles, Fleece, Flipflop, Caps, balls,Frisbee,Socks ,Shirts and more )                                                                              
We are going to have a carol night where all the families in fsp are invited it’s going to be a time of singing carols, playing games, eating lots of snacks, opening presents and more. It’s going to be a special time where the kids will feel treasured, loved and have lots of fun.

This past month I have  started taking after school tuition for some kids from fsp, who   need extra help with studies . It’s a difficult process but they need help with the basic foundations in all the subjects. I was reminded of all the help I got when I was a kid struggling with studies, these kids have no one to invest in them and teach them the basics. I have been learning that I need a heart of giving  all that I have , we all need to learn to have a heart to give- that can be investing time, money, resources, encouragements etc. What use it is if we just keep everything to ourselves and not give anything to anyone. Our God gave us his heart unconditionally expecting nothing in-return.



"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver".
2 Corinthians 9:7

Prayer points:
·      Please pray that the Christmas  carl night surprise for fsp kids will be successful and they would feel loved.
·      Please pray that I would be strong in what the Lord has called me to and that I will not be discouraged if things do not happen the way I want it to happen.
·      Please pray for the upcoming workshop and activities in fsp.
·      Pray that I will continue to be faithful to God is calling in my life.
·      I find it hard to trust God to be my provider, pray that I will have faith and learn to trust that God will take care of all my needs.
·      Please Pray that I will give my best serving these families and to do it as an act of serving the Lord.
·      Please pray that I will possess a heart of giving and would not be keep it to myself.



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