He puts the pieces together

Dear family and friends,

It’s been a busy month, finishing the accounts for the academic year and winding up the accounts for all the fsp kids. I have been dealing with a lot of administration and accounting work for the past month. I have had the privilege of attending the graduations of some of the fsp kids. This brings a lot of joy and happiness in my heart to see them excel in everything they put their minds into. I enjoy planning and organizing events and workshops for the fsp families and children. We are having a lot of events planned for the summer, like fun school, meetings with the parents, annual meeting and more.

This month has been really good. I have been learning a lot from daily experiences. Jesus is so good, He does not fail to be remind me that He who started this good work is faithful to see it continue because of His steadfast love. Lately, God has been revealing to me the beauty of a mosaic. It is the end product of piecing broken things together and making a beautiful picture. I see it now in my life. He is picking up my broken pieces, stories that I don’t want anyone to know, memories from the past and more. He is taking all that which I made terrible mistakes in and thought all was lost and hopeless, piecing it all to make a beautiful picture. He is still continuing to do so and will till I see Him face to face one day. This encourages me and keeps me going even when it gets really hard sometimes. 
I can see God's hand over my life; He continues to add details, add colors, add the correct shades. He continues to put the pieces together and is turning make my life into a beautiful mosaic. No matter what we do ,the wrong decisions we make, He is faithful to forgive and make our stories so worth it all. Life may not look like you are in cloud nine now, but remember that He is picking up all that we have failed miserably in, not to shame or hurt us but to remind us that He is faithful to us even if we are not. Simply because His love stretches farther than we can imagine.

Prayer Points

·     Please pray that fsp will grow and we will be able to support many more children this year.
·     Please pray that all the workshops and programmes that we planned for  this year will happen successfully.
·     Please pray that I would be used as an instrument in the lives of the children and women I work with.
·     Please pray for my future.
·     Please pray for my MSW studies.
·     Please pray that I will become bold and grow confident in myself.
·     Please pray that we get local sponsors to support us in our ministry.
·     Pray for my engagement .




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