Feel Rested

Dear family and friends,

It’s been a fruitful month. Planning a lot of workshops, organizing several meetings for the mothers in FSP, communicating with the families, visiting the potential new families of FSP, helping the mothers decide which school is best for their kids. Counseling the 10th and 12th std kids who have just finished their board exams, helping them to follow what their heart wants and what they are passionate about and encouraging them to follow it. 
In the past month, some children with learning difficulties were taken to our special needs development partners Manna , to get their level of abilities assessed. Their results are being processed. Based on this, the mothers and the children will be counseled into the next steps to be taken effectively, towards continuing their education provide a better alternative where they will be comfortable with studying and move in a slower pace.

We had two big meeting for the Mothers in FSP, it’s called as the annual meet. This is where we assess the performance of each child and mother in the program. Every year we evaluate the performance of the children in our program, this year we were able to evaluate the performance of the children in their academics, as well as their attendance. 

They are required to attain 60% above in their marks and 85% attendance. We also evaluate the savings account created by the mother or the guardian for the child. They are required to save 100 rupees a month in the savings account of the child. Based on all of the above factors a projected amount is decided as fees for the academic year 2018-2019. Kids and mothers who have achieved these requirements are rewarded during the meeting.
We also go over the rules, the new procedures, clarifying their doubts and a contract is signed between the families and Kirubai Project.

We are yet to have this meeting where we take in new families into our program this is one of the favorite parts of my job, I love to see and help new families that need help get help and empower them. I am hoping that we will be able to support everyone that needs help.

Even in all this I thank God for his grace and for continuously just giving me the strength and perfect rest for me to be able to give my best. Not just have i been pouring myself out but have been able to find rest and take breaks to revive myself.
Even though life gets busy and we have lots to do, Rest is very essential. God Himself rested, we need to rest so that in our time of rest God can use it to pour into us, comfort us. I’ve realized that there’s no use of me pouring out if there’s nothing to pour out. To be fruitful in his kingdom we need to be sustained from God each day.

''Then he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath''.                                                                                    Mark 2:27

Prayer Points

·      Please pray that FSP will grow and we will be able to support many more children this year.
·      Please pray that all the workshops and programes that we planned for  this year will happen successfully.
·      Please pray that I would be used as an instrument in the lives of the children and women I work with.
·      Please pray for my future.
·      Please pray for my MSW studies.
·      Please pray that I will become bold and grow confident in myself.
·      Please pray that we get local sponsors to support us in our ministry.
·      Pray for my engagement .




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