Dear Family and Friends, 

We had the Sons and Daughters retreat this month! It was a good time of fellowship and getting to know each other. The retreat was a big blessing to me. I was able to rest, relax and just be myself. God used that time to speak and pour His love over me in many ways. One of the ways He did this, was using others at the retreat to prophesy over me.
He clearly showed me how much He loves me and that He is always there for me. This retreat also helped to me spend more time with God as I’m stepping out to start a new journey in my life. Forgive the ones I have to, encourage others and allowing God to use me to be a blessing. My time there was so life giving and a tremendous blessing. This has not just changed me outwardly but even more so from the inside. There were times where I could just be with God, pour out all my worries, anxiety, frustration and finally come with a huge smile on my face. 
It was a great time to get connected and hear about the lives of the other missionaries who had come also. We had different session for prayer time, sharing and sermons given by Godly ministers. It was a huge eye opener for my life. 

FSP team was able to host a sports day event to FSP kids on 22ndAugust 2018.  There were about 150 kids and teens.  We had the youth from Kirubai Home helping with organizing and supporting the event in many ways. 

Support Team
We divided the kids into groups and were made to compete against each other. We had different sport games, water games, relay and obstacle races. The kids really had a fun time just playing and being themselves.
150 Kids
We were able to pay the mothers in the program their second installment school fee for their kid’s schools. I was able to get a lot of administration work done this month.
Yellow Team
I have been really busy preparing for the wedding. I am getting married on the 22ndof this month!!!! I am very excited for this new season and beautiful journey ahead of me!!  It’s kind of scary but I believe God’s going to be with me throughout this whole adventure. One of the words that was continuously shared during our time in the retreat was that, God is really going to be present at my wedding. It was such an encouragement to really know and believe that. It was good that people reassured His promise to us (Danny and I). God will always be with us  and love us so unconditionally.

Prayer Points:
Please pray for my wedding preparations and the actual wedding day.
Please pray that Jesus would be present at my wedding.
Please pray for this new season in my life.


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